Unleash Your Creativity with Groundbreaking AI Video Editing Technology! πŸŽ₯πŸ’‘πŸ€― Uncover the Future of Visual Storytelling!


How AI is Revolutionizing Video Editing

Have you ever wanted to take your video editing skills to the next level? Imagine being able to transform ordinary footage into visually stunning masterpieces with just the click of a button. Thanks to the latest advancements in AI technology, that dream is now a reality.

The Power of AI in Video Editing

This new AI-driven video editing technology is changing the game when it comes to creating and stylizing videos. It can perform a wide range of complex tasks that were once thought to be impossible, such as:

  • Separating foreground and background elements accurately
  • Understanding the 3D structure of a 2D video
  • Applying high-frequency movements seamlessly
  • Correctly interpreting shadows and reflections

With this AI, you can effortlessly enhance your videos, whether you want to decorate a swan, stylize a kite sailing adventure, or even remove unwanted objects from your footage.

Unleashing Creativity with AI

One of the most exciting aspects of this new AI technology is its ability to democratize video stylization. Now, anyone can create professional-looking videos without the need for extensive editing skills. With just a simple edit of an image, you can completely transform the background of your footage and unleash your creativity like never before.

From adding ice chunks to a picturesque trip to biking through wonderland, the possibilities are endless. While the technology is not perfect and may have some minor imperfections, the overall results are nothing short of magical.


As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with AI-driven video editing, we are entering a new era of creativity and innovation. With this new technology, the future of video editing is brighter than ever before. So, why wait? Dive into the world of AI-powered video editing and unleash your creativity today!

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  1. This is so insane.. editing this stuff manually takes forever, this will be used in this future to save a lot of time. Cant wait to see this AI improve.

  2. It took about 1 year to get depth matte estimation into phone aps, and two years later it's in professional post production suites like DaVinci Resolve from Blackmagic Design. Also the "magic mask" segmentation.

    This seems to be a step ahead of compositing, but maybe we will know in two years

  3. I don't think the reflection on the swan was computed correctly. The pattern of stripes above water was Black above white above grey. It was the same in the reflection when it the order should have been reversed.

  4. It's funny that in the digital age, many still call them "papers". Some older folks still say "taping" when they refer to recording video. There are many ancient relics in our language, hopefully they will phase out soon.

  5. I feel like we're only about 2-4 papers away from seeing generated video edits, based on a normal human sentence/paragraph and input video, in which the results are indistinguishable from reality to us…

  6. On one hand, this is truly amazing AI and it's a wonderful time to be alive. On the other hand, this is going to thrust us even more into a post-truth society once the government and other organization learn how they can abuse this technology.

  7. This is exactly what I recommended to google to make as their next project after they made the teachable machine. My idea was a bit different thought but basically the same. I wanted to have a program that could be given two images, one real and one with the modifications and the AI would figure out the temporally consistent change that was made. Of course it would get more accurate with more real and modified images to train from, but the example I game was to have a dog with no spot on its eye, and then a picture of the dog with a spot on its eye (like the dog from TARGET store). Then you could put in a video and the AI would generate images with the spot in the correct place.

    Very difficult to accomplish but knowing google they could definitely do it. Seems like they were beat to it.

  8. It never ceases to impress what AI can do… and we are still at the beginning of this process! We are creating something that is going to create a new reality in the end πŸ˜… Soon it will be difficult to tell what's real and what not…

  9. That is the purpose after all, anything that improves chromakey is good. On the other hand, while great, the overhead involved is massively higher and not applicable to most workflows, yet.

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